I'm teaching mechanics for articulated shadow puppet figures for the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival again in Octobr and August. This 1 week workshop will build off of levers and linkages for flat puppets, using cheap materials and methods for rapid prototyping to help you develop unique multiple movements. Gravity, stops, returns and controls will be considered for both vertically and horizontally performed puppets.
Two repeat sessions to choose from:
October 4-10: classes held on Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat, Sun 8-10pm Eastern US time
November 1-7: classes held on Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat, Sun 8-10pm Eastern US time
See all the great offerings this summer session with instructors like Roberto Rossi, Myra Su, Steven Kaplin, and Jaerin Son for 1, 3 and 6 week classes in all kinds of puppetry. Scholarships available.